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Import Data

How to Add Data to Your Koverse Datasets

  1. Refer to Creating Datasets for more information on creating a new dataset.

  2. Using the navigation pane, select the dataset to which you want to add data.

    My Datasets

  3. Choose to either “Import Data” after you select the dataset, or near the upper-right corner, click “Settings” and select “Add Data”.

    Add Data

  4. Firewall configuration may be required if you have one between your data source and Koverse. Check Connecting Your Datasources Through a Firewall for additional information.

  5. The default option on this page is “Upload File”.

    Upload a File

  6. For additional information on “Upload File” or “Connect to a Source”, refer to the below items:

  7. Select whether you would like to use ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control) on your datasets. For additional information on ABAC, please refer to the below:

  8. Select "Import Data". The upload process will begin and run in the background. Upload time will depend on the file size and the use of ABAC within your dataset.

    Import Data