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S3 Ingestion

A simple guide for connecting to an AWS S3 data source in Koverse

  1. Select the navigation menu icon (three horizontal lines) and select the dataset of your choosing or create a new dataset.

    Create or Choose a Dataset

  2. Select “Import Data”.

    Import Data

  3. Select the tab for “Connect to a Source”.

    Connect to a Source

  4. Select the dropdown menu and choose “Amazon S3”, then populate the fields with the corresponding requested information.

    • You may also elect to import all files from the folder specified within your S3 bucket by checking the corresponding box.

    • Select “Next”.

      Connect to AWS S3

  5. Choose whether to enable ABAC for the records with the corresponding radio-button then select ‘Import Data”.


      Datasource ABAC Selection

  6. You will then be taken back to your dataset screen as Koverse displays progress of the import.

    Track Ingest Progress

  7. You will then have the imported data displayed, so long as you possess the corresponding ABAC attributes.

    • You may also encounter errors during the ingest process. See Handling Error Codes for additional error information.

      Imported Data