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User Attributes and Roles

  1. From your workspace, locate “Workspace Settings” in the left-hand navigation menu.

    1. If the menu is collapsed, you can expand it by selecting the three horizontal lines in the top left corner.
  2. Select “Users”.

Workspace Settings

  1. Select “Edit”.

    1. If you choose to remove the user from your workspace, you will get a pop-up that confirms your choice.
      • If you are certain, select “Remove”.
      • If not, select “Cancel”.

Remove User

  1. If you confirm, you’ll see a popup in the bottom left corner displaying either successful removal, or an error message explaining what went wrong.

Confirmation of User Removal

  1. If you choose to edit the user, you’ll get a popup that shows their “Workspace Role” and “Attributes”.

  2. Workspace Roles can be either a “Member” or an “Admin” with expanded permissions to manage users and other settings that are locked out for “Members”.

Change a User's Role

  1. Attributes can be set to your preference, and will determine what the user has access to within Koverse.

Assign User ABAC Attributes